Texas Family Judge Marching Orders

Domestic violence is criminal conduct. It is the result of a conscious choice made by one party to an intimate relationship (statistically, that party is usually male)” Hon. Diane Kiesel, Preface to Domestic Violence: Law, Policy, and Practice
Diane Kiesel

For Texas Fathers, forget all the family code and Constitutional arguments.  Here are the marching orders for judges. It is the new guidelines published on a stand alone basis. The hidden rules for judges is openly biased against men, it states this in the preface using false and a vague reference to ‘statistics’ as support for the misandry in the statement. The current peer reviewed work has shown that women are at least as culpable and violent as men in all forms of DV, but most especially they are the prime actors and participants in DV abuse of children.

These Family Law hidden rules were previously hidden in desk reference book for judges handling family law titled the Texas Bench Book.  That book of guidelines, for nearly all issues a judge would most likely experience in court, is only 442 pages. The Bench Book was bad enough against men. However the DV Bench Book turns judges against men before the case is ever heard using false and unsubstantiated vague ‘statistics’ reference by a known biased judge. The new book is extreme ex parte to the point of being openly and commercially evil.

The new book is paid for with VAWA funds. I will provide support for this statement further down this blog post.

aaa Angry Judge

To repeat myself for emphasis, this stand alone book of DV marching orders for judges in handling family cases even states its bias against men in the opening statements in the preface.

“Domestic violence is criminal conduct. It is the result of a conscious choice made by one party to an intimate relationship (statistically, that party is usually male)”

This is openly declared misandry.

In that original Texas Bench Book and the newly published 1033 page Texas Domestic Violence Bench Book are these hidden rules that are used to ambush and surprise fathers in the middle of protecting children from maternal abuse.  Have no hesitation, Domestic Violence is, also, maternal abuse of children. 

In the Texas Domestic Violence Bench Book you will find why hearing go so wrong in the face of evidence and even admissions by women of crimes against men and children. It will give you insight into the open hostility of judges to even decent fathers. The preface defines who the victims are (women) and who the perpetrators nearly always are (men). It is right down the NY radfem policy guidelines.
A Angry Judge

It only gets worse from there.  The above statement defines males as the ones with all the ‘dangerous’ qualities and women with none of them (except in the rare cases where a judge can not shift blame to a man).

We, now, have access to this codex of crime against fathers and children by the courts.  This codex of judicial crime against men and children can be found in The Texas Family Violence Bench Book.


These bench books for Texas Judges can be googled and found with the simple word clouds “Texas Bench Book” and “Texas Domestic Violence Bench Book”.

Every state will have a similar book. These books on Family Law with the hidden rules for judges decisions are created with special VAWA grants provided through the DOJ as is stated in the first paragraph of an opening letter from the Texas Chief Supreme Court Justice, Wallace B. Jefferson at the very front of the Texas Family Law Bench Book.

The Hon. Diane Kiesel is known as an extremely biased judge. Why would it surprise anyone that a quote is taken from a Municipal Court Judge in NYC as a statement of great import in the preface to the most important text to your children in the State of Texas.

Here is a quote on the opinion of Diane Kiesel:
“Kiesel is so openly pro prosecution, so astonishingly biased, and so relentlessly nasty that even assistant district attorneys quietly acknowledge it – and they use it, steering almost all of their cases before her toward bench rather than jury trials. When confronted by a touch case, or a recalcitrant witness, they simply “reduce the case.” That is, they cleanly and tactically lower the charges from class A misdemeanors to class B misdemeanors, depriving the defendant of a jury trial but not the possibility of a jail sentence.

Source: David Feige. Indefensible: One Lawyer’s Journey into the Inferno of American Justice. New York: Little, Brown, and Company. 2006. Excerpted from Chapter 10. Reprinted with permission.” The full article can be found here.

Here are additional Bench Books that are relevant to fathers and their battles with family courts:

http://texaschildrenscommission.gov/media/16497/BenchBook.pdf This bench book was made publically accessible on Dec. 20, 2013.

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  1. How about including Gov Perry’s Judgical Appointee Richard Terrell of Falfurrias and from Alice..who aids abetts Drug Cartesl into the USA…while simultaneously extorting from anyone in his courtroom along with fat bald Noe Guerra..what a combo

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  3. the first link is (behind the word, “here”) is broken.


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